You were made to

Heal. Grow. Thrive.

Meet YOur Coaches:

Jonita Joseph, LPCA, MS

Lesley Joseph, Ph.D

We help believers heal, grow, and thrive so that they can live a life of purpose and success.

At jonita’s, our motto is

  • Faith to heal

  • Grace to grow

  • Power to thrive

Speciality areas

  • Sexual intimacy

  • Marriage restoration

  • Porn recovery

Work With Us 

HEaL PAckage

Therapy is an opportunity to heal those places that prevent well-being, growth, and thriving. Healing can’t happen without faith. I journey with clients impacted by depression, anxiety, mood disorders, and sexual intimacy issues.

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GRow Package

In every area of life growth is possible. Coaching is a proven modality to reach the next level in your personal or professional life. Explore proven principles to maximize your potential, walk in your calling, and pursue your God given purpose.

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Thrive PAckage

Leaders are meant to thrive in their roles and lift others up. Executive coaching can sharpen your skills to take your professional life to the next level. Academic coaching prepares you to take the next steps in your academic career.

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Let’s work together!

Create a plan that works for you at JCC&C

Our personalized coaching and counseling will give you the ability to achieve the faith to heal, grace to grow, and power to thrive.